职场英语:像特工一样工作 CIA的职场生存攻略(2)
发布时间:2014-04-14 22:14

Don't share too much information during the job interview.


"It may seem tempting to share information in order to prove your knowledge during a job interview with a competitor's company, but a reputable company should be more interested in learning about you than your previous employer."


Know that high achievers are difficult to manage.


"The highest achiever can also be the most difficult to manage. For better or worse, they have the confidence to stand up to authority, the intelligence to debate, and the bravery to defy — all of which can amount to a serious management challenge."


Don't force people who work best alone to work in groups.


"...[Don't] force collaboration onto talented individuals who are superstars in their own right but don't necessarily work well with others. Some people thrive on team participation, out-of-specialty rotational assignments, and constant developmental opportunities. Other people do their jobs well and just want to be left alone to do what they were hired for."


Some people might be brilliant at their jobs, but would be "disastrous managers" and "a thoroughly unpleasant team member," and in this case, Carleson says you should keep them if they're brilliant, but promote them "over the course of the years on the basis of his solo work and left alone to achieve his results."


Analyze your own weaknesses.


"Not even the best actors are infinitely versatile when it comes to playing a role. You can be as observant, responsive, and flexible as humanly possible, but there are always going to be situations in which you are, by nature of your appearance, your personality, or any other immutable characteristic, at a disadvantage."


You need to know how other people perceive you and how you tick them off. Then, you need to narrow down any commonalities to identify your weaknesses. Be aware of them when you're doing business with someone new.


Know other people's weaknesses.


You need to know everyone's weaknesses and vulnerabilities if you're doing business with them. You should have a good idea of their background and even their competitor's background.



Follow through on both your promises and threats.


"Whether you have made promises or threats, follow through. You may be back at the negotiating table sooner than you think; a reputation for bluffing will not serve you well."


If you're threatening to leave your employer so that they'll offer you a raise, you need to be prepared to do so if they aren't willing to give you what you want.



Look for trends and try to predict what will happen in the future for your industry. This will help you become an expert in your field.



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