情景对话:探望病人Paying a Visit
发布时间:2012-12-07 19:08

A:How are you feeling? 你觉得怎样?

B:Bad. My nose keeps running. And my forehead is burning. 糟透了。我一直在流鼻涕。我一直在发烧。

A:You said you never went to hospital. 你说你从来不上医院的。

B:I will get better soon. 我很快就会好的。

A:The good thing is you don't need to go to school. 还好,你不用去上学。

B:Yeah, I love that, no class, no homework, and no exams. 是啊,我喜欢这点,不用上课,不用写作业,也不用去考试。

A:And your Mom and Dad will buy you anything you ask for. 还有你要什么你爸妈就会给你买什么。

B:Haha, I just got the Ultraman costume. My Dad bought it. 哈哈,我刚刚得到一件奥特曼的制服。我爸爸给我买的。

A:I really envy you, Danny. 我真羡慕你,丹丹。

B:Come on, I got numerous shots for that. You have no idea what I've been through with the needles. 得了吧,我为这个挨了无数针呢。你都无法想象我怎么熬过来的?

A:Your sister said you fainted three times during the injection. 听你姐姐说你打针时晕倒了三次。

B:May told you? Oh, May, she's such a tattletale. 阿美告诉你的?哦,阿美,她真是个多嘴婆。

A:No matter what, you are still my hero, Daniel. 不管怎样,丹尼尔,你仍然是我的英雄。

B:Tom, promise me to keep this a secret, will you? 汤姆,你发誓替我保守这秘密,行吗?

A:OK, I promise. You promise you will be well soon? 好的,我保证。你保证你快点儿好起来哦?

B:Deal. 行啊!


forehead n. 前额

exam n. 考试

costume n. 服装

faint vi. 晕倒,昏厥

tattletale n. 闲谈者

hero n. 英雄

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