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发布时间:2014-03-26 10:01

Ten Quatrain Major By the poets in Tang Dynasty

诗/(唐)边塞诗人王昌龄 王之涣 王维 王翰 李益 陈陶 译/黎历

By six Poets (Tang Dynasty) Tr.by Liy





In The Army (4)

By Wang ChangLing

Thick clouds in Qinghai let snow-clad mountains yield

The isolated town afar overlooks the Pass of jade gate

Golden armors are outworn by countless battles in field

If LouLan isn’t defeated we won’t have a return date

2. 从军行(其五)




In The Army (5)

By Wang ChangLing

The wind-blown dusts in desert overshadow the skylight

With half-rolled flag the army rushes out camp to fight

Warriors battle early in the north Tao River overnight

Having reported the capture of the enemy chief on site





Out Of Frontier

By Wang ChangLing

Over Han’s frontier Qin’s bright moon does revive

The warriors haven’t returned if they still survive

In Dragon City if the general with wings remains alive

At Yin Mountain he won’t allow the Tartar to arrive


(唐) 王昌龄



A Sorrowful Bride In her Boudoir

By Wang ChangLing

A young bride in boudoir had no idea of sorrow

Fairly dressed in spring to Jade Tower she came

By the roadside she suddenly saw the green willow

Regretting to encourage herhusband to seek fame





Bid Farewell to XinJian At Lotus Tower

By Wang ChanLin

Chilly rain veils the rivers as night falls on KingdomWu

At dawn I bid farewellto my friend alone like Mount Chu

If my kinfolks at LuoYang inquire about me to make sure

Tell them that as the ice in jade pot my heart is as pure

6. 渭城曲


渭城朝雨浥轻尘, 客舍青青柳色新。


A Farewell Song

By WangWei

Morning rain in WeiCheng wets dust thin

Refreshing willow twigs and the green inn

O, friend, please drink another cup of wine

No one greets you at west of the borderline

7. 凉州词




Out Of The Great Wall

By Wang ZhiHuan

Amid white clouds Yellow River upward flows

Among mountains the lonely castle stands alone

Why should the Mongol flute blame on willows

At the Jade Pass no spring wind has ever blown





Liangzhou words

By WangHan

The jade cup is glowing as grape wine pours at night

Ready to drink but summoned by Pipa on steed I climb

Don’t laugh when I lie drunk on the field of fight

How many come back from wars ever since ancient time





Ascending At Night The Gate-Tower Of

The Conquered Town And Hearing A Flute Tune

By LiYi

Below HuiLe Mount the sand appears as snow white

Out of the conquered town the moon is frosty bright

Where the flute tune comes it's unknown despite

The awaking warriors are homesick all the night





The Battlefield By Riverside

By ChenTao

They resolve to sacrifice life to wipe out Tartar

Five thousands clad in sable die in the desert afar

The bones and skeletons by the river's sandbar

Are the loved ones in maidens’ dream of boudoir?



An introduction to the frontier poetry of Tang Dynasty

Frontier Life is one of the main themes of the poetry at Tang Dynasty. The frontier poetry is one part of the most profound, imaginative and artistically strongest Tang Poetry. Its main contents include the frontier military life, the exotic scenery beyond the Great Wall, or the hardships of defending the frontiers and fortresses.


The ideas and contents of those frontier poetry are extremely enriched by expressing the frontier soldiers’ pride and desire to serve their own country, their nostalgia, their mothers and wives’sorrows on the parting life, the hardship of the monotonous frontier life beyond the Great Wall, the cruelty of the prolonged wars, the discontent with the militaristic conquering and grievance over the greediness of the officials. The frontier poetry also marveled at the exotic scenery and folk customs unique in the frontier domain. Those poems also revealed the complex and conflicting feelings and emotions such as generous army garrison and homesickness, patriotic passion and hard life, devotion to the country and hatred to the incapable military officials.


Due to different national strengths, the outcome was different in the wars against the invasion of foreigners. The Frontier Poems at the beginning of Tang dynasty are more high-spirited and energetic in style. This tone lasted into the early phase of the Middle Tang. But in the late phase of the Middle Tang and the Late Tang, the frontier poems only expressed the envy of the grand old days and lamentation on the desolate reality. Throughout the Tang dynasty, the frontier poetry was always the part of Tang Poems which are the most profound in the ideas and contents, the richest in imagination, and the strongest in artistic style. The representatives of the frontier poets include Wang Changling, Wang Han, Wang zhihuan, Cen Can, Gao Shi and Li Yi, etc.

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