作者:北外网院博客 来源:北外网院博客 发布时间:2011-10-28 14:00



In life, one step creates the next. Each day is of equal importance, no matter how good or bad. There is no moment in life that does not matter. Regardless of how insignificant, each choice, each day, each idea, is the birth of the next. Something simple can completely reshape your life. It's just like the Butterfly Effect and you never know what is at the end. To go back in time and change one moment in the many that create your life could change everything that follows.


If I've learned anything, it is that everything matters. You can struggle through life in an attempt to create the perfect path, but the truth is you will always wonder if it could have been better. Everything is important and nothing need be changed—to climb up the hill may be difficult, but you'll reach the top no matter which path you choose.

Butterfly Effect “蝴蝶效应”,是美国气象学家洛伦兹(Lorenz)在上世纪60年代提出的理论:一只蝴蝶在巴西扇动翅膀,有可能会在美国德克萨斯州引起一场龙卷风。喻指即使一个微不足道的举动,稍不留意也会造成巨大的影响。

  相关阅读:  ·考研英语辅导:大作文段落中心句“三注意”  ·英语美文:人生的“蝴蝶效应”  ·情景会话:机会来临的时候抓住它  ·文艺青年必须学会的十句英语  ·指导:2012年考研英语之英译汉部分复习方法
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