作者:沪江网 来源:沪江网 发布时间:2011-02-24 16:23 点击数:



Hi, I am Cindy and I am the HR manager for an international publishing company and we employ people in lots of different roles and in variant kinds of contracts, so full-time, part-time, hourly-paid, a lot of different kinds of roles but also contract types that we deal with.你好,我是辛迪,是一间国际出版公司的人资经理,我们手下有许多不同的职位,不同种类的合同制度,比如全职、兼职、时薪,工种与薪酬制度选择都相当灵活。

1 Q: 能否告诉我们哪位应聘者给您留下深刻的印象?为什么?

Right...erm... it has to be a young woman that we interviewed recently. And she had all the usual academic qualifications which you have to do to even get through the selection process. But something that really shone for her in the interview was that whenever she talked to answer a question, she gave us a very concrete example of something that she had done. And this allow us to really understand how she would tackle a project, what kind of things she'd do, how she'd involve other people. So this approach of being very specific with examples really... erm... made her sort of experience in her skill come alive. Even though she wasn't actually very experienced, she was able to talk about it really really well.


2 Q: 您能否给我们举一个应聘者搞砸了面试的例子?他应该怎么做?

Right... em.... I think something that comes across when you asked a question and you don't actually have the experience in that area to say "yes I can do that"... erm... I am thinking of a young guy recently who tried to bluff his way through the question and to claim that he could do something that clearly he had never done. As soon as people start to talk about things when we ask specific questions... if you are telling a lie, it is obvious to the people interviewing you. So I think he would have been much better off to say "actually I've never done that, but I have done this" and to be honest than to try and bluff his way through answering the question. You... you don't go into every job interview having done everything before. You're usually going for a job that's gonna stretch you and take you to the next level. And that's perfectly acceptable.


3 Q: 除了前面提到的,你最看重应聘者所展现出来的什么部分?

Um... I think... I think what happens in an interview is... I want people to be able to get over that initial nervousness. Everyone's gonna be nervous but I want them to be able to get over that quite quickly and to talk with you quite honestly and openly about what they've done, how they'd do it and what they'd like to do. I think we're trying to get a sense of how well this person will fit in with our organisation. Erm... and that comes often down to not just experience but also attitude to their flexibility - their ability to listen to you in the interview situation, their ability to express when they don't understand something - to ask a further question. So I think what I'm often looking for in people is that ability to cooperate and to really talk with me in that situation, so that I can gauge what kind of team they could join and how they're gonna operate when they're actually on the job.


4 Q: 在面试中有哪些忌讳?

Oh... OK. Well, the first one I'd say is - don't lie. If you tell a lie in interview, it would probably come out at some other point... erm... if you say you've done something and you haven't and you then find yourself in a job when you're expected to do it, you're probably gonna be a very unhappy person and there's a high possibility that you'll fail in that job. So, tell the truth. Be yourself. Erm... I also think, it's very important when you're in an interview, or after the interview process to think very carefully whether this is the correct job for you. I think people often go for a job without really really thinking about what it is that their own erm... personal goals are and their own skills are. I'd say use that interview to find out whether this job is also the job that you really want because if you're gonna be in this job for five years, you'd better make sure that this company is going to be the company that you want to join. So this interview process is also for you to gauge whether you want to work for us, not just whether we want you to work for us.


5 Q: 通常应聘者都会被问到自己的强项与弱项,谈论自己弱点的最好方式是什么?

Um.... I'd say if you... eh... in a situation where somebody asks you about a skill or strength or experience and you don't have it, it's OK to say "I haven't done that direct thing before", however I would try and make a weakness... erm... something that you feel is a weakness, a learning opportunity. So erm... for example, I could say “I haven't done X however, a similar thing that I have done is Y.” So try and.... don't talk about yourself negatively, that's not necessary. You could talk about what you would do in order to gain the experience needed for X, maybe what reading or what kind of job shadowing or what you feel that you could do for yourself or within the company in order to get around this lack of experience or lack of confidence in some area. Yeh... I think you have to look at yourself... erm... positively as having strengths.

如果你在一个地方,所有人都像你询问关于某一项技能、或强项、或经验,但你三者皆无,此时说“我并不具备”是完全可以的,但如果是我的话,我会选择让我觉得是弱点的地方变成一个学习机会。比如,我可以说“我以前从来没做过XXX,但是我做过类似的YYY。”然后开始努力尝试,完全没有必要给你自己负面的评价。你可以说为了得到能够做XXX的经验,你会做什么,比如阅读某些材料,向别人学习,或者做任何你觉得你可以为自己所做、或在公司内可以取长补短、借鉴经验、补充信心的事。我觉得你必须对自我持积极肯定的态度。p.s. 最后给出job shadowing的英文解释

job shadowing(noun) - an experience that takes place at a work site in which an individual observes and interacts with an employee to learn about a specific job.


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